Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Seri Angkasa Revolving Restaurant

"Seri Angkasa Revolving Restaurant" destinasi berbuka untuk puasa hari ke 3. Hubby wanted to treat me before puasa but the restaurant was fully booked. Dia nak bawak I tengok sunset in KL.

We arrived at 6.30 pm. Went to the Observation Deck first. Our first view of KL was my office - Menara TM. Round 1 kali and we proceed to the restaurant. We were shown to table 7, by the window. Abi said, "mmm,7, lucky number". We sat there and admire the view of KL. Mintak the waiter amik gambar kami, yelah...bukannya senang (and murah *wink*) nak makan kat Restoran atas langit ni kan!

At 7 pm, we proceed to the buffet counter. There are 3 buffet counters : The Malaysian, Chinese and Western and also the sweet counter of desserts. We attacked the Malaysian buffet counter first, amik sate, nasi dhall and udang. Amik sikit dulu, lepas solat...sambung secara besar-besaran...hehehe.

Lepas solat, kami sambung makan. We attacked the Chinese and Western buffet lak. I tried the salmon, mmm quite good. Tried it before but this time cam lagik sedap pulak. Hubby amik roast beef, roti with beef slices and of couse udang lagik! Kl view at night is spectacular. The revolving restaurant is supposedly to complete a cycle in 1 hour. Nice view of KLCC Twin Tower.

Makan punya makan, perut dah senak :) Apa lagi, bayar n blah lah...:) Hubby buat surprise,dia amik bunga carnation kat meja tu and bagi kat sweet! Even the man at the next table pun tersenyum tengok kami. Kembang kuncup idung aku...hehehe.

Abi, thanks for the wonderful n unforgettable dinner in the sky! Best giler.I luv u!

1 comment:

moonlitetwine said...

I found this place, this site, on my statcounter.


Very uplifting.

Blessings to you and your family.